Posts Tagged ‘ Best DIY Lip Scrub recipes ’

DIY Pumpkin Spice Lip Scrub

Blotted Wine Hued lips are everything this season but there is one thing that can ruin that perfect pout faster than you can say “Beauty Fail” and that is dry chappy lips.

As things start to cool down outside your lips begin to dry out and applying that “OMG” perfect new Tom Ford Velvet Cherry Lipstick (my personal obsession at the moment) over chapped lips creates a look that is well… less than desirable.

The lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and our lips are exposed daily to bad weather, the sun, chemicals from make-up and various stressful foods which leads to alot of wear and tear on our kissables!  Just like any other body part you HAVE to EXFOLIATE!  Giving your lips a little extra attention will ensure your lip color applies flawlessly.

DIY beauty is my jam and one of my favorite things to make is lip scrubs. Not only are they super easy to blend up, you also save a TON of money by making them yourself- which leaves you more cash to buy that Tom Ford “Boys & Girls” Holiday Set you have been drooling over.

With fall in mind I created a super yummy lip scrub that you are going to LOVE!

Beautifully scented and oh so Fall, this DIY lip scrub will wrap you into everything that is pumpkin spice, colored leaves, and warm drinks.  It is SUPER easy to make and will leave your lips soft, kissable, and smelling like fall heaven!

All you need is:

2 Tbsp. Brown Sugar

1 Tbsp. Almond Oil (you can substitute for olive or grapeseed oil but I prefer almond oil)

1 Tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice

1/4 Tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract

Bowl to Blend it in

A Spoon or Silicone Spatula to mix it

A small jar with lid to store scrub in

Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix.  Make sure to really mash it all together until everything is the same color.

Once mixed completely transfer to a small jar with a lid.

To Use: With a clean dry fingertip transfer a small amount of scrub onto your lips. Use your finger to move the scrub around in circular motions and exfoliate away any dry or dead skin. For a little extra exfoliating power, use a soft bristled toothbrush or kids toothbrush instead of your finger. Scrub your lips for 5-10 seconds then wash off.

If you haven’t used a lip scrub before this will be LIFE CHANGING!  Once you see the difference the scrub makes for your lips, you’ll never want to go without using one again. The secret’s in the exfoliation. By gently clearing away dead skin cells, you’re left with smooth, supple, gorgeous lips.

DIY Pumpkin Spice Lip Scrub